Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

sweet idea(s)

Suddenly... *triiiing* I have got an idea..
please put your comments if you are agree or disagree yah!

the "matter(s)" that can make a women happy, are following:

shopping, goes to salon, traveling, hang out with friends, gossiping =p (agak maksa translate-nya) eating a lot of junk food but, when everybody look at her body, then they will said:
"show me your gym, I am jealous your body!!"
or maybe
"Who is your private trainer? Is it JLO or Beyonce?"

Activity for the purpose of networkking
chatting on YM, MSN, Skype, etc and playing on facebook, friendster and blog

everything that related with make up, bags, shoes, clothes, watches and diamond absolutely.

getting marriage
with someone that she loves, honeymoon and having a child
***so sweet***

I am strongly believe that this is a standard of women, not a reflection my my mind

arghhh I need to go back to my work
uppssss... almost 5 o'clock....
this time to hang out!
Plasa Senayan,,,, Here I COME!!

3 komentar:

  1. Ike..aye setuju sekaleh!!!! dan yah..of course..kongkow-kongkow dengan temen di dunia nyata..hoho..

  2. wakakaa... gue paling suka yang soal "eat junk food" itu ke...emang pengen banget bisa kayak gto, makan sebanyak2nya tapi tetap kurus nan langsing...hihiiihii...

  3. haiyaaa.... ini asli kerjaan asik banget. hoho.. sayang ya, kalo di office gue, cuma kadang2 doank bisa begito..
