Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

The Power of Song

inspiring song when i need idea to identify something (unimportant things) on my works
  1. any religion song (of coz-especially "Dia mengerti, Dia perduli". I dont know why, everytime i listen this song, my feeling always getting blue. YES, I know, my Lord always beside me, no matter what happen)-beside, I have history behind this song and I cant forget how strength this song for me at that moment.
  2. Always Be My Baby by David Cook. I love the instrument of this song
  3. When God Made you, He Must Been Thinking of Me by Natalie "sapa githu deh". the message of this song, jodoh ga kemane-maneeee.....

  4. Sempat Memiliki by Yovie and Nuno. Hmmmm... lebih kearah personal reason seh =p (jadi malu akhhhh.....)
  5. Selamanya Cinta by Yana Yulio. Agak jadul a.k.a old song but this is a romantic love song... huhuhuhuhu
  6. Luluh by Samsong (haiyaaaa.... when you broken heart, I am suggest, DONT LISTEN THIS SONG,,, trust me,, you'll be cryyyyyyyyyy)
  7. L.O.V.E by "ga tau". enaaaaaakkkkkk
  8. Lucky I'm in Love With My Best Friend by Jason Mraz.... hope it will not happening to meeee
  9. Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi by Sheila Majid. Siapa juga yang mau keilangan cintanyaaaaa?
  10. How Do I Live Without You by Trisha Yearwood.... deep and so romantic..
  11. Pernah Muda by Bunga Citra Lestari.... kikikikikikiki... true story nieeehhh ;p
  12. Rainbow by South Border "apa githu". the essential of this song is, there is a rainbow always after the rain... so, dont be sad, dont you worry if we have a problems, because God always has a good things behind our problems.
in the middle i read this blog, Wildan play Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu by Keris Patih. suddenly..
Ike: "Wildaaaaaannnnn,,, blutut dunk!"

Wildan : "tadi page kan gue uda bagi Aku Bertahan by Rio Febrian, masa skr minta lage?"

Ike : "balikin semua makanan yg gue da bagi ke elo". Fyi, gue selalu membawakan sedikit camilan pagi buat Wildan.
Wildan : "ikh.. elo seh, ke...."

Ike : melotot jadi makin sexy
Wildan : "iye iye apa seh yg enggak buat lo, Ke? kecuali hati gue"

Ike : "geu ga butuh hati lo, yang gue butuh itu duit lo. boleh buat gue ga?"
kl Wildan blng IYAH, gue langsung berjanji akan membawakan catering buat dia setiap hari.... kekekekekekeek....

pengen denger ada yang nyanyiin Janji Suci nya Yovie and Nuno... This song is special for you, ke....
uihhh.... I wish Daniel Wu will singing this song for me, but i fully relize, Daniel Wu khan ga bisa bahasa Indooooooo gmn carenye coba??? :(

kekeekekeke.e.e.e.e.e. dari selera musiknya ketauan deh kalau Ike adalah wanita romantissssssss ;p

8 komentar:

  1. My inspiring songs:
    1. Topi Axel Bundar
    2. Burung Kakak Tua
    3. Cicak Cicak Di Dinding
    4. Lihat Kebunku
    5. Kasih Ibu
    6. Satu Satu Axel sayang Mami
    7. Balonku Ada Lima
    8. EBiCiDi (ABCD)
    9. Naik Naik ke Puncak Gunung
    10. Naik Kereta Api tut tut tut

    Those songs inspired me very very much when my son asked me to lay down with him and push me to sing all ninght long or at least untill he fall to sleep, every dayyy!! For the last 17 months. *sigh*

  2. wahahahah Elsieeyyy...emang bener2 "the joy of motherhood" banget tuh lagu2 yang menginspirasi loo...hahahaha....

  3. kebayang ga kalau Wildan atau sapa gt ya yang nyanyiin 10 lagu diatas??? apakah akan tetap memiliki nilai dan arti yang samaaa????

  4. wuaw! lagu2 loe romantis abis, ke...heheheh...gue jg punya tuh yg 3,7 and 10..

  5. wah kl selera lo sama kyk selera gue, mnrt gue, mendingan lo cari sisanya deh, gue jamin ga rugiiiiiiii..
    niwey, nomad girl name lo sape ya?

  6. cuma mau ngasih info aja... L.O.V.E itu lagunya Natalie Cole :)

    yang l is for the way you look at me, o is for the only one i see... itu kan? sori kalo maksudnya bukan lagu yang itu. hehe

  7. IYAH betul, armaaaaand!!!!!makaseh ya
    tp males edit lage =p
